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english breakfast


 (3 reviews)

type: black

caffeine: strong

price level: $$$$

English Breakfast Tea refers to hearty, “morning cuppa” dark black tea blends that are suitable for brewing with milk. Tea lovers have given this flavor profile tremendous popularity in the last 40-50 years. Our breakfast blend includes teas from the major tea producing countries to give it the robust, hearty, full, heavy-bodied brew ideal for morning starts.

Recent reviews

    • ET


      A tea really made to be solid, strong, and wake you up in the morning. I happen to like it more than Irish or Scottish blends. Definitely good for cold days.

    • 

      A strong malty tea. Very good morning starter. This company in general uses high quality tea with little bitterness!

    • 

      High quality tea. Hand down to tea of the tao. I like almost everything they have