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temi sikkim


 (2 reviews)

type: black

origin: india

region: sikkim

variety: darjeeling

caffeine: no-caffeine

price level: $$$$

Sikkim is located just north of Darjeeling in India. The only garden there, Temi, does its teas in a Darjeeling style. This is a mid-year tea, so it makes for a dark brew. It is light in body with honey notes. Dry Leaves: Dark brown leaves. Liquor: Medium brown. Aroma: No Caffeine Level: Caffeinated Body: Medium body. Flavors: Wooden, honey and red fruit flavors. Brewing Time: No Brewing Temperature: No

Recent reviews

    • ET


      I'm getting more of the "wooden" flavors than the honey and fruit flavors. Maybe they're more in the scent? A good quality tea.

    • AW


      Not my favorite tea when hot, but very good cold-brewed! Cold-bringing really brings out honey flavors of this bold black tea.