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Riley Anderson  

User's reviews

  • Melonberry Green


    super fruity and astringent, not my favorite but it was alright!

  • Peach Serenity Iced Tea


    my favorite iced tea i've ever tried, so light and refreshing and doesnt just taste like hibiscus!

  • Earl Grey Bravo


    Brewed 2.5 min at 212 F. Not a huge fan, really strong early grey flavor with plenty of tang and citrus. Probably would go better with some milk to lessen the flavor. Dry mouthfeel.

  • Gunpowder


    A little smoky, very flavorful with a nice mouthfeel!

  • Gyokuro


    Very smooth and flavorful, and I always love teas with more L-theanine for brain health. A little too grassy for me to drink often but still good.

  • White Symphony


    Subtle, sweet, and slightly floral and earthy. A great white tea for before a meal or as a nice pick me up!

  • Cream


    Simple black tea with a wonderful creamy taste and mouthfeel. Great for mixing or just on it’s own.