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Christine Battiste  

User's reviews

  • Honeybush Hazelnut


    One of my favorite adagio teas- honey bush. Coupled with hazelnut it is so good

  • White Blueberry


    I like this tea, but not a fav, I wanted more blueberry taste

  • Daydream


    This tea is so good, light and refreshing. Very smooth too

  • Citron Green


    So good, delicious and light. Love the clean taste

  • Casablanca Twist


    This is my absolute favorite green tea, I love it so much. Minty and fresh and delicious

  • Foxtrot


    Good tea, it was smooth and light. I enjoyed it, not a favorite, but good.

  • White Eternal Spring


    Light and refreshing, but I wanted a little more out of this tea. It was good, but the floral undertones weren't for me.

  • Rooibos Vanilla Chai Iced Tea


    One of my favorites by adagio, this tea is a great chai minus a ton of caffeine

  • Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life


    This is a staple and favorite in my house. I love this tea, great flavor and does curb appetite



    Nope nope nope. I don't know if got a bad batch or what, but this tea is awful. The concept of this tea is appealing, but not a good flavour for me.

  • Silver Needle


    This is a decent tea, I first tried a couple years ago and it is still a delicious choice. Light and smooth.



    I like the concept of this tea, but a little too bitter for me. I prefer smooth teas with a nice finish.

  • Mother's Milk


    Not as effective as it reasons to say.

  • Smooth Move


    Keep by the toilet, this can get things moving fast. It’s a good tea if your locked up in your digestive track

  • Weightless Cranberry


    Helpful tea, but not very fond of the flavour. It is a little bitter

  • Smooth Move Chamomile


    Oh boy! If you are blocked up or are having a slow go, this is an excellent tea to get things moving. I would recommend that you don't drink this tea whilst at work or when you are out of your home. Stay close to a WC.

  • Sleeptyime Extra


    I do like this tea for bedtime. Note this is the Extra, there is just Sleepytime and then Sleepytime Extra that has Valerian in it. It makes a difference and if taken an hour or so before bed, it helps calm the body. I like the flavour as well.

  • Throat Coat


    I do like this tea. It is not the best blend, but in a pinch it does help with sore throats. Available at most health food stores.

  • Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride


    Not a fan. I would have liked more flavour and yet, the taste that was there seemed a little to artificial for me.